Infrastructure Support

TTW Solutions operates and maintains large, complex, mission-critical enterprise infrastructure support efforts from end-to-end. We help our customers achieve cost savings by reducing redundancy through seamlessly consolidating and migrating hardware, software, and data in support of their mission and goals.

Our services in this area include:

  • Data Center Consolidation
  • Data and Application Migration
  • Disaster Recovery (DR) and Continuity Of Operations Plan (COOP)
  • Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Support
  • Systems Integration Support in Various End-To-End System Environments


Our detailed Infrastructure Support services:

  • Enterprise data center setup, migration, consolidation, switchover
  • Data and system migration between data centers and to cloud
  • Database and server upgrade, tuning, maintenance, re-purpose
  • System optimization after data center consolidation and migration
  • Biometric data migration (IBM GPFS to Oracle ASM, Hitachi USP-V to IBM SONAS)
  • Oracle Dataguard for Disaster Recovery (DR) and Continuity Of Operations Plan (COOP)
  • Multiple Data Center Planned Switchovers and Emergency Failovers in a Real Disaster Recovery (DR) Scenario
  • Application and maintenance of database security and bug fix patches
  • Oracle High Availability and Scalability solutions using RAC (Real Application Cluster)
  • 24 x 7 production database support and problem resolution
  • Enterprise, proactive monitoring using Oracle Grid Control (or OEM)
  • Database backup and recovery using RMAN
  • Database storage administration using Oracle ASM over SAN storage
  • Database Security, auditing, and user access management


Demonstrated Experience:

TTW Solutions is an integral part of managing and supporting the centerpiece of the world’s largest biometric database sized at 600+ Terabytes while ensuring system SLA of < 10 seconds to protect U.S. citizens and enhance border security 24x7x365. This U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) system stores and processes biometric data—digital fingerprints, photographs, iris scans, and facial images—and links biometrics with biographic information to establish and verify identities. Without this mission-critical system, internal and external end users and stakeholders would be deprived of biometric identity verification and watch list matching for determining admissibility or eligibility for immigration benefits, which is a critical part of our country’s border security and safety for U.S. citizens.